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Handle CHANGE Like a BOSS!

Automation and Artificial Intelligence are DISRUPTING nearly every industry. Change creates FEAR which causes people to resist it. ADAPTING to change is a mindset, which you achieve through a process. In this program, Rob maps out that process, and shares real world methods that enable people to accept and become comfortable with change.

Adapt to change by learning the innovator’s lifestyle, and you’ll use creative thinking in every aspect of your life. Problem solving becomes a snap. You’ll discover new ways to differentiate your company from the competition and boost your bottom line. In this presentation you'll learn a new skill, it is the art of adaptability, and it's called Change Agility.

Our world is constantly evolving. New ways of thinking, new ideas, new methods for doing things, new problems with new solutions, and lots of new things to do. All of which makes this a great time to reflect on how we fit into this new world, and what part of it fits us.

Change can be frightening, we fear it will cause us to fail or get hurt. But, when we step back from it for a moment, we realize that change is constant, and that we have been adapting to it all along. History is nothing if not ongoing transformation: birth and death; construction and destruction; order and disorder. "The world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it," stated Helen Keller, a woman who experienced dire change, learned it wasn't the end of the world, then for the rest of her life modeled resilience to all of humanity.

The best way to deal with change is to prepare for it, then it is so much easier to accept and enjoy. When you approach change like an innovator, it energizes you and gives you feelings of empowerment. You gain a heightened sense of purpose that builds your self-reliance. When you discover how to think like an innovator, you gain the confidence to control your circumstances - which makes you more comfortable with change!

When you embrace the traits and habits of innovators, you’ll become more productive and profitable. And, when you learn to embrace the new, you will recognize opportunities that others will miss. Plus, there are health benefits: you'll reduce the effects of dementia and senility as you age, you'll even improve your sex life!

Book Rob Wilson today for your next conference.

Read Rob's Blog for Psychology Today

Motivational Quote of the Month:

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." Norman Vincent Peale

Comments about Rob Wilson's
Handle CHANGE Like a BOSS!

"Rob recently was the keynote speaker for Philips North America Project Management Roundtable webinar, which I lead. Rob's topic of "How to Handle Change like a BOSS" was spot-on.

One of the major challenges that affect global companies, is that it can be difficult to change a culture or a process or even a simple form. However, change is not only required to handle the constant inflow of new requests, but imperative for companies to stay in front of the competition.

I highly recommend Rob to help your organization not only teach its employees about change, but also to do so in a highly engaging and relevant way."

Rob Bingham, PMP, Director, PMO - Innovation and Development at Philips Oral Healthcare

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