By Robert Evans Wilson, Jr.
© 2004, Robert Evans Wilson, Jr.
Here's a fun and easy way to improve your advertising skills.
One that will familiarize you with the workings of an effective ad.
Simply collect advertisements that grabbed your attention. Ads that
stopped you and held your interest. It doesn't matter if it led you to
a purchase. Collect it even if you just paused for a moment. If it is a
print ad, clip it. If it is on radio or TV, jot down the hook or
lead-in that caught you. If instead, it was a visual or audio element
that pulled you in, take note of that. Better yet, record them (it will
enable you to do the next part even better).
Now separate your ads into three groups. Group one will be those that
only grabbed your attention, but then failed to hold it beyond the
first impression (visual, headline, hook, or lead-in). In group two,
place the ads that captured your attention, but upon further
information or shopping turned out not to be right for you. Finally,
group three will contain the ads that led you to make a purchase.
Now ask yourself: Why did this ad get my attention? How did it speak to
me? Am I in the market for this? Should I be? Are the characters, who
are using the brand, my kind of people? Did the ad play my kind of
music? Did I see settings or places that I'm fond of? Or activities
such as sports that I can relate to? Did the ad address a specific
problem that I'm having?
Many ads will get your attention because of an interesting visual, a
curious headline or humorous hook. Perhaps even a celebrity pitchman.
These ads will make up the bulk of your collection. Ones that
momentarily distract you, but quickly fade away because they use the
scattergun approach of trying to reach everyone in the hopes of
reaching their true target audience.
On the other hand, the ad may have gotten your attention because it
accurately let you know that you are the target audience for that
product or service. In other words, you are either in the market or
potentially in the market for it. This is an ad with a powerful
message. It may speak to your emotions or it may appeal to your
rational mind, but either way it is offering you a benefit. Keep this
ad and study it, then create ads like it for your business.
Robert Wilson is an advertising consultant and speaker, contact him at www.jumpstartyourmeeting.com.